Custom-made, cross-platform mobile apps

At SmartMob, we build custom, cross-platform mobile apps that fit your business like a glove.

With many years of experience in software development, business management and business process improvement, we work with you and our select, elite partners to understand and optimize your business and then capture your business processes in a custom made mobile app.

We focus primarily on two aspects:

  • Getting Your Business In Your Pocket – #YourBusinessInYourPocket
  • And getting inside your customer’s pocket – #YourCustomerInYourPocket

#YourBusinessInYourPocket is all about customizing your business and your workflows and making it available were you and your staff are.

#YourCustomerInYourPocket is all about customer engagement and building an online trust relationship with your clients through a mobile app, which offers messaging, voucher issue and consumption, online shopping and payments, tracking of deliveries, etc.

With mobile becoming the platform of choice for most users, you cannot afford to miss out!

    “Our core focus is on building custom mobile applications that fit your requirement like a glove … WITHOUT taking your arm and your leg.

    Contact us today and be surprized at how affordable your own app can be! “

    Gert Botha

    Director, SmartMob (Pty) Ltd

    More info ...

    To read more about our custom-made, cross-platform mobile application  development and our Satisfaction Guarantee and how we achieve it, click the button below.

    Contact us to get your own custom-made, cross-platform mobile app!

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    Mo-Fr: 8:00 – 17:00
    Closed on public holidays


    Pretoria, Gauteng, South Africa